Monday, November 09, 2009

Documentlite : management document software

If you have a company or working in a company, certainly in the occupied by the document name, your company has a lot of documents that must be collected and coordinated, and have document workflow management, maybe for some companies it is a job that complex, software is the solution DocumentLite of all these problems.
Using DocumentLite software you can do efficiency of many things, and you can save time in the coordination and have powerfull document workflow management system.
DocumentLite software using a web interface so much easier for the user. DocumentLite software have had a purpose as a document automation system in a company.

For demo and manual user can you get here

To enter the system "DocumentLite" it is necessary to enter a login, a password and to click "Enter". you can use a login root and the password 1

In the operation with documents in the system "DocumentLite" the user can execute one or some functions:
  • the document creator - the person, who creates a document in the system. He appoints a document controller . The creator or another person can be a document controller .

  • the document controller the person, who controls the working process with the document. He can appoint the document user, change the period of executing, remove the document from the control, return the document for rework, create a sub-document, add files to the document and so on.

  • the document user the person, who takes part in the document execution and coordination. Only the controller can add the document users. The document users can create new documents on the basis of the original document. By the document coordination he decides to approve or to dispose the document.

visit the site and buy software
Documentlite there.

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